A New Integrated Value Based Global Holistic Intra-Generational Solidarity System Organizing Financing and Transformation
A New Integrated Value Based Global Holistic Health-Economics Intra-Generational Solidarity System Organizing Financing and Transformation (as new concept, as new global conceptual core framework, as new global model, as new health architecture created) for Health Care and Health Status, Pharmaceutical Sector and Ageing and Long-Term Care Sector and Society has to be introduced de lege ferenda in Belgium and the other OECD-& WHO-countries – New Global/(Inter)National Multi-Sectoral Long-Term Health-Investment Policies-Making, Strategies and Programmes-Implementation Plans – From Utopia to Reality
Reforming of the (Inter)National Health Care – The Required Transformation to “Value Based Health Care”
The New Value Based Health&Well-Being Model starts from/creates –Global/General:
- Mission[Statement]: “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver”, Ghandi
- Vision: a global new / new global health-economics intra-generational solidarity system for Health&Well-Being Care, Prevnetion, Status and Ageing and Long Term Care has be introduced de lege ferenda [i.e. building better systems for health& well-being]
- Long-Term Targets : to guarantee He&Wb CPS ALTC in Belgium and the other OECD-&WHO-countries
- Long-Term Goals: to guarantee harmonious relations among generations
- Strategies: creating more optimal (im)material value(s) added: F-VA, HR-QOL-VA, FA-VA, IC-VA, HR-LYG-VA, health & well-being, resp. rights.
BACKGROUND. The present system for health care, created in Belgium around 1945, is in actuality confronted (just as in high-income OECD-, resp. WHO-countries) with a substantial number of both 14-64y old resp. 65-104-133y(in 2030/2050)-old looking for health &well-being care, prevention, status and ageing and LT-care (He&Wb CPS ALTC), and with always growing current expenditures on He&Wb CPS ALTC and pharmaceuticals.
The New Value Based Health&Well-Being Model starts from/creates –Global/General:
- Mission[Statement]: “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver”, Ghandi
- Vision: a global new / new global health-economics intra-generational solidarity system for Health&Well-Being Care, Prevnetion, Status and Ageing and Long Term Care has be introduced de lege ferenda [i.e. building better systems for health& well-being]
- Long-Term Targets : to guarantee He&Wb CPS ALTC in Belgium and the other OECD-&WHO-countries
- Long-Term Goals: to guarantee harmonious relations among generations
- Strategies: creating more optimal (im)material value(s) added: F-VA, HR-QOL-VA, FA-VA, IC-VA, HR-LYG-VA, health & well-being, resp. rights.
AIM. The aim of the further inter-disciplinary research is further develop the new value based (material and immaterial value added) global holistic intra-generational solidarity system organizing and financing for He&Wb CPS ALTC that has to be introduced de lege ferenda in Belgium and the other OECD-, resp. WHO-countries.
METHODS and RESULTS. Based on OECD-data, we calculated that the share for 65-104-133y(in 2030/2050)-old is 80ca% on health resp. pharmaceuticals, resp. for 00-65y-old is 20ca%. Based on OECD demographic data, we calculated/ estimate that the share of 65-79y in 2015=18.0% for BEL [16.5% for OECD] will be in 2050=25.0%e for BEL [27.0%e for OECD], resp. that the share of 80-104y in 2015=5.75% for BEL [4.75% for OECD] will be in 2050=10.0%e for BEL [10.0%e for OECD].
The new value based (material and immaterial value added) global holistic he&wb conceptual framework, that started from the Pareto Principle and applied the 80/20 Rule (that states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes) for the very first time in Health &Well-Being Care, Prevention and Status and Ageing and Long-Term Care (Sector&Society).
The new health-economics model is based on three pillars, first on OECD data, resp. a partly existing structure that I have adapted and more constructed, design(ed) and model(ed), as a total Arrow, addressed to the right, with an X-axis and an Y-axis, resp. second on Value Chain Model (Professor Porter), resp. on ‘Competitieve [Five] Forces/Strategy Model’ (Professor Porter), resp. Shareholder-Value-Network (Professor Rappaport), resp. Balanced Scorecard (Professor Kaplan & Professor Norton) resp. second on the WHO conceptual framework for a life-course approach to health (resp. thirth on Implied Equity Shareholder Value model (Rappaport), resp. Economic Value Added (Stern Stewart & Co/Mc Kinsey&Co model) that I have constructed, design(ed) and model(ed), also as a total Arrow, addressed to the right, with an X-axis and an Y-axis, in order to steer/.. both Health Care for Organ Disease(s) resp. Health Prevention for Body and Mind Ease(s), creating (according to the Pareto Principle, 80/20 rule).
We determine for the very first time:
#that it is required that the (Inter)National He&Wb CPS ALTC Sector has to be reformed/transformed to Value Based He&Wb CPS PH ALTC according to Corporate, Hospital, Information and Health & Well-Being Governance;
#.that expenditures on wage/fee for physicians has to be reformed (according to Pareto Principle, 80/20 rule): part 80% has to be fix (paid in year n), part 20% has to be variable, pay-for-performance, if realization (paid in year n+2, 1st quarter), resp.
#.that the current expenditures on/investment in Health Prevention for Body and Mind Eases has to be reformed/increased (according to Pareto Principle, 80/20 rule) with 10à11%.
#that Expenditures on Health Care for Organ Diseases, has to be reformed/decreased with 10à11%.
#that according to the Polluter Pays Principle, resp. User Pays Principle: 1°alcohol/smoking/meat/sugar has to be taxed on 80ca%;
2°fruit and vegetables has to be de-taxed to 0.0%;
3°the population/proprietor(s) has to be taxed with a real estate tax/contribution (0.1ca%pm).
#that these contributions/taxes has directly to be put in a He&Wb CPS ALTC Fund, where He&Wb CPS ALTC Funds directly contribute/redistribute/better match to HE&WB CPS ALTC.
The new global framework is an (that forms the future of scientific research) interdisciplinary juridical/legal-social-economic-financial-health&well-being-fiscal model.
All in order to guarantee Harmonious Relations among Generations resp. to guarantee Health & Well-Being Care, Prevention and Status and Ageing and Long-Term Care, in Belgium, the Netherlands and the other OECD-, resp. WHO-countries, Global-wide, for Human, Animal, Planet, Partnership & Peace.