Readings & Videos

The methodology of the Value-Based Health Care Center Europe is strongly inspired by the Value-Based Health Care concepts of the group around Harvard University Professor Michael Porter, Ph.D. This page shows a selection of articles, videos and presentations related to the key concepts of Value-Based Health Care.


What is value in health care?
By Michael E. Porter
The New England Journal of Medicine, 363:26, December 2010

An introduction to value-based healthcare in Europe
By Fred van Eenennaam
The Economist, April 2015

Blog ‘de zorg is als het kopen van een fiets’ – Skipr Lucide ICT Special
By Fred van Eenennaam and Kim Bruheim
Skipr and Lucide ICT special, january 2016

How to solve the cost crisis in health care
By Robert S. Kaplan & Michael E. Porter
Harvard Business Review, September 2011

Redesigning Primary Care: A strategic vision to improve value by organizing around patients’ needs
By Michael E. Porter, Erika A. Pabo & Thomas H. Lee
Health Affairs, 32:3, 2013


Aftermovie VBHC Prize 2015

Short video explaining the meaning of value in healthcare

Michael E. Porter and Robert S. Kaplan, Harvard Business School professors and authors of the HBR article “How to Solve the Cost Crisis in Health Care,” explain why providers must start with proper measurement. (2012)


Value-Based Health Care Delivery
Michael E. Porter
Harvard Business School
Healthcare Initiative & Healthcare Club, March 7, 2012

Redefining Health Care: Creating Positive-Sum Competition to Deliver Value
Michael E. PorterHarvard Business School
HSPH Forces of Change, Boston, April 7, 2005

Value-Based Purchasing: Combining Cost and Quality
Michael T. Rapp
Quality Measurement and Health Assessment Group

Want to learn more?

Bob Kaplan on the healthcare system and Value-Based Health Care.

Michael E. Porter giving a lecture on Value-Based Health Care Delivery (2012)

Harvard Prof. Michael Porter explaining the problems with the current healthcare system.