Curious about the winners and nominees for the VBHC Prize 2018? Read more about the winners and nominees on this page!
VBHC Prize 2018 winners
The NHN aims to continuously improve outcomes that matter most to cardiac patients. Subsequently, those patient relevant outcomes are delivered at the lowest costs. Since all relevant healthcare providers are involved in the NHN, patient centered pathways covering the full cycle of care are standardized and continuously optimized based on insights in outcomes. Read more
COPD InBeeld aims to improve the quality of life of people with COPD, among others, by stimulating the self-management of patients. COPD InBeeld simultaneously aims to reduce the healthcare expenditures.
Specific goals of COPD InBeeld are:
- Increase health gain
- Reduce the burden of disease
- Decrease the care consumption
- Improve the efficiency in the chain
- Improve patient satisfaction Read more
This award is endorsed by The Decision Group and The Decision Institute
A sustained weight loss, a weight-associated comorbidities’ reduction and return to activities of daily living means a new life for morbidly obese patients. This aim has been achieved by Humanitas thanks to clinical excellence and teamworking with patients and caregivers, which are involved, motivated, educated in the complete cycle of care, maintaining economic sustainability according to VBHC principles. Read more
This award is endorsed by STZ, Amgen and Vital Health Software
Máxima Oncology Centre creates valuable care for patients with oncologic medical conditions. Patients are involved in determining which values are of importance to them, our professionals within MOC are challenged every day, at any time and at any intervention, to think about the added value for each and individual patient and to concentrate on achieving the desired results. Read more
This award is endorsed by Isala, Zilveren Kruis and The Decision Group
Transparency in Healthcare at the University of Twente aimed and realized to create transparency about outcomes achieved in the care for patients with inflammatory arthritis by facilitating shared learning and public reporting of outcomes across different healthcare providers. We use technology to support patients and providers by an online application (electronic patient cantered dossier) as well as innovative measurement technology that allows outcomes obtained using different patient reported outcome measures to be linked to a common scale, so that outcomes can be meaningfully compared between healthcare providers even if different PROMS were used by different healthcare providers. The proof of concept in Inflammatory Arthritis (DREAM initiative) paves the way for implementation and valorisation. Read more
This award is endorsed by Erasmus MC, MSD and MUMC+
VBHC Prize 2018 Nominees
LEEFH aims to prevent cardiovascular disease and its complications in families affected by familiar hypercholesterolemia. To do this, LEEFH combines cascade screening with a nation-wide approach of counselling and treatment, delivered by 10 regional centres. Read more
The Value-Based Care Programme at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board aims to ‘systematically collect outcome data sets at scale across multiple conditions, underpin the outcomes and other relevant data with costs in order to increase and demonstrate Value across the whole system of care’. Read more
NHR aims to increase patient value of heartcare in the Netherlands by collecting, analysing and reporting outcomes about treatments of patients with specific medical heart conditions. NHR also aims to create transparency about quality of heartcare for patients, cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons, external inspectors, health insurers and other parties of interest. This forms the basis for a successful implementation of VBHC and the development of a learning environment in which the participating centres optimise their own learnings and benefit from the lessons learned in other centres. Read more
By concentrating all robotic-assisted radical prostatectomies (RARP) procedures from our network in one location CWZ, Radboudumc and the Catherina Ziekenhuis aim to optimize the procedure and the logistics involved. By bundling experience with the procedure we reduce the risk of complications and side-effects and optimize oncological outcomes. Read more
The Erasmus MC aims, by 2023, to provide care to 80% of the local disease burden that is tailored to ‘what matters to patients’. Read more
Erasmus MC and the Dutch Breast Cancer Association collected patient reflections whether PROMs are useful for improving quality of life when used at the outpatient clinic and for selfmonitoring. We gathered urgently needed PROM ‘normscores’ to encourage selfmanagement (by graphical visualization) and proper use of PROM scores by health care providers at the outpatient clinic. Read more
The aim of Stielo, Radboudumc and Recovery Circles is to improve health, self-control and self-management skills for type 2 diabetes patients, at lower costs and less medication use. Our groupwise approach aims at de-medicalization and it will lead to maintenance of lifestyle changes by empowering the life strength of participants themselves. Read more