Opinion pieces and blogs

Partner and supporter opinion pieces and blogs

Several partners and supporters of the VBHC Prize wrote opinion pieces and blogs about Value-Based Health Care and the VBHC Prize. Read all the interesting reflections and content about VBHC on this page!


 Nature For Health


Value-based health care for people and planet

While thinking about an ‘optima forma’ value-based health care system, the relationship with our natural environment comes to my mind. Read more

   Erasmus MC


NEXT, Extend Value Based Healthcare in Erasmus MC

Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC) in Erasmus MC means: Working together with patients to deliver better care and improve patient outcomes at the lowest possible cost.” Since 2013, 24 diagnosis teams successfully implemented VBHC in our hospital. These teams incorporated routine outcome measurement using both generic and disease specific questionnaires. The outcomes are discussed with patients using tailored dashboards to support shared-decision making. We use aggregate outcome data to evaluate the quality of care on a higher level. Read more



From left to right: Vincent Wiersma, MSc & Jannie van den Broek, MSc. 


Samenwerken om betere zorg voor patiënten te realiseren is iets waar meerdere farmaceutische en biotechnologische bedrijven zich gelukkig al jaren voor inzetten. De manier waarop deze samenwerking vorm wordt gegeven hebben wij de laatste jaren bij Amgen verder ontwikkeld; gelijkwaardig, vanuit vertrouwen en altijd waardegedreven. Read more

From left to right: Fons van Mieghem, Niels Kok, Martijn van Schaik

Where Ambitions Meet

Two organisations, each with a firm ambition: The Netherlands Cancer Institute (Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, AVL) wants to offer patients the best possible treatment at acceptable costs. By 2022 biopharmaceutical company Amgen wants to be rewarded for their contribution to the result of the treatment and the value for patients, and not only for selling the medicines. Read more

Myrthe van den Heuvel, Value Based Healthcare Manager at Amgen

From ‘Doing Value Based Healthcare’ to being a Value Based organization

As a result-oriented person, I really loved the opportunity to train different types of people, when I started my career as beginning rehabilitation specialist. From healing to gain muscles, relieving back pain, running the 100 meter dash faster, to developing fitness, the goals varied greatly. I was so proud whenever a client would reach his or her goals after weeks or months of hard work. Yet another successful trajectory completed! Read more





Margreet Voorsluijs

Birgit van den Berg

Susan van ‘t Westeinde (on the right)

MSD and Maasstad Hospital join forces to increase patient value

Biopharmaceutical company MSD is again partner of the VBHC Prize 2020. The idea behind this award is aligned with how MSD The Netherlands supports ‘Value Based Healthcare’ in our country: by promoting cooperation between healthcare providers and accelerating VBHC projects, in order to create more value for patients. A good example is MSD’s collaboration with the Maasstad Hospital in Rotterdam, aimed at optimizing care for lung cancer patients with non-Western backgrounds.  Read more

Jurgen Huismans, Director Market Access

Birgit van den Berg, Associate Director Healthcare Innovation

MSD ready to act as VBHC accelerator

Over the last two years, MSD Netherlands has invested much effort in the area of Value-Based Health Care (VBHC). Quoting Birgit van den Berg (Associate Director Healthcare Innovation) and Jurgen Huismans (Director Market Access): “Recently, colleagues have gained knowledge by attending master classes and we are also partnering with the Decision Group. Within our Market Access Department, we now have two dedicated roles that fully focus on Healthcare Innovation. And we also develop and implement solutions and/or projects, striving for more patient value.” Read more

Kaja Natland, Managing Director MSD Nederland

For VBHC to work everyone in health care has a role to play

Two years ago, my family arrived in The Netherlands. After working for MSD in different countries, we settled in quite easily and loved our new home country right from the start. The Dutch are open, tolerant and innovative and the Netherlands is a very well-organized country, with a great infrastructure and in possession of one of best health care systems in the world. Also, from a professional point of view, I think it is great to be in the Netherlands at this moment in time, because this is the country where value-based health care is really gaining traction. And that’s a good thing! Read more




Jan-Willem van den Berg, Pulmonary specialist at Isala

COPD patients to take charge in new VHBC-project

This month, Isala’s Department of Pulmonology will begin a value-driven care pathway for COPD patients. As far as the Department can tell, there has never been a value-based health care project (VHBC) for COPD patients. Pulmonary specialist Jan Willem Van den Berg comments, ‘I find it exciting. How will it turn out? I hope, and expect that, in a year from now, we’ll have more satisfied patients whose quality of life has improved.’ Read more

Max Curfs, Clinical Embryologist at Isala

VBHC requires medical leadership

The brother of Max Curfs, clinical embryologist at the Isala Woman Child Centre, died of gallbladder cancer a year ago. ‘The five-year survival rate was only five to ten per cent. With chemotherapy, he could “win” a few per cent. And why shouldn’t he be a part of that few per cent? So, he went for it. He didn’t know how the treatment would affect his quality of life. The treatments were tough. If he had known what the outcome would be on his quality of life (PROMs), I think he would have made a different choice.’ Read more



VitalHealth Softwarevitalhealth-software




Dave van Dijk, Manager Global Product Management at VitalHealth Software

Arts als specialist en patiënt als expert

De relatie tussen zorgverlener en patiënt verandert. Nog niet zo lang geleden vertelde een arts wat goed was voor de patiënt en slikte de patiënt dit voor zoete koek. Met de komst van internet weet de patiënt steeds beter te vertellen welke behandelingen er allemaal mogelijk zijn om zijn aandoening te verhelpen. Daarnaast is de patiënt als geen ander expert op het gebied van eigen lijf en leden. Hij bezit specifieke ervaringsdeskundigheid die uniek is en betrekking heeft op zijn persoonlijke situatie, behandeling, ziekte en herstel. Read more








A step on the journey to value based care in cancer

A key pre-requisite to a value based approach to healthcare is the availability of relevant information to inform decision making and determine the value that is being realised. In cancer care, this has become more complex with the substantial growth in the number of new anti-cancer medicines, often for multiple indications and different combinations, sequences and other variations. These innovations offer significant potential to improve treatment for cancer patients, but they create challenges for clinicians to navigate this complexity. At the same time, ensuring access to these new innovations can also generate challenges of financial sustainability for healthcare systems. Read more







No more patients left at the gate

Value-Based healthcare (VBHC) is gaining momentum in Dutch healthcare. And it’s a good thing. No other model focuses on the added value of patient healthcare like VBHC. And that, after all, is our goal. The model ensures collaboration. And that is certainly needed in a complex healthcare system in which everyone is interconnected, directly or indirectly. Because no one can improve healthcare on his own. Read more