Ik-Herstel was inceptualized by healthcare professionals who wanted to improve patient value for patients undergoing surgery. As a result of pressure on hospital budgets, hospital stay has been reduced consequently moving a large part of the recovery to the home environment, which requires a different approach. An intervention was developed that provides the patient with relevant personalized information and facilitates the exchange of information between healthcare professionals and patients throughout the cycle of care.
Product description
Ik-Herstel is an eHealth application that supports the patient as a “digital personal coach” and unburdens the health professional during the cycle of care. Besides pre & post- operative information it specifically provides a personalised recovery plan, generated by a procedure specific algorithm combined with the patient’s own personal biomedical data which enables the patient through self management to monitor and optimize his own recovery. The healthcare professionals can also monitor recovery and are provided with PROMS.
Aim, relevance and patient involvement
The aim is to improve overall patient value by actively engaging the patient in the cycle of care by offering an eHealth application that acts for the patient as a digital personal coach and stimulates self-management during the complete cycle of care, while unburdening the healthcare professionals and proving them with relevant PROMS
Scientific validated published studies have proven the value of the this eHealth application, and the effectiveness of a personalized recovery plan:
- 9-12 days quicker recovery to “normal daily activities”
- Higher patient satisfaction
- Lower cost and higher efficiency for healthcare professionals during cycle of care
Size & scope
Currently the application has been developed for 11 surgical procedures (Gynaecology & Surgery), covering approximately 10% of total surgical procedures. Over the next years new algorithms will be developed to cover all surgical procedures in hospitals. Since the algorithms are procedure specific and are country and race independent, therefore international upscaling is very feasible.
Ik-herstel is in the process of setting up a foundation that will have access and ownership of all data generated from the eHealth application. These data are intended for (international) scientific research.