The Value-Based Health Care Prize 2023 award ceremony is a not-for-profit event, which is why we welcome partnerships. The Value-Based Health Care Prize is a highly exclusive event, bringing the leaders in healthcare together with one purpose, to increase patient value. Each year, the reach of this inspiring event continues to grow. Last year, over 300.000 healthcare professionals were reached through the use of various media. This led to great publicity for the Prize and its partners. If the awarding ceremony event of the Value-Based Health Care Prize 2023 would be useful to you or your company, and you are a believer of Value-Based Health Care, please contact us for a potential contribution to make this event an even better experience.
The benefits of an Award Partner 2023
Impact Value-Based Health Care Prize 2014 – 2021
I. Around 80% of Dutch hospitals were involved.
II. Over 750 million € were collectively saved.
III. Over 8 million patients are potentially reached by the projects.
IV. The VBHC approach has reached an institutional level.
V. > 37,000 international connections
Industry connect to Value-Based Health Care
Pharma: Visibility to contribute to health outcomes/cost discussion using efficiency of their drugs to outcomes/cost; thus improving patient value.
IT: Promote new IT solutions for healthcare. For example solutions on Shared Decision making.
Insurance companies: Support VBHC and brand quality in healthcare plus exposure to clients.
Patient organizations: Help to define outcome measures, patient initial conditions and patient reported outcome measures. Put the patient in the center of care delivery.
Medical: Promote new equipment and innovations and link your company to the principles of Harvard and the VBHCE.
Research: Create exposure for your research project and brand relevance through VBHC.
Interested in becoming a partner of the Value-Based Health Care Event 2023? Please contact Mirte van Holsteijn, MSc. via