We would like to introduce you to the projects that had applied for the Value-Based Health Care Prize 2015. On the 9th of April, 2015, ParkinsonNet was announced as the winner. The following projects had applied for the Value-Based Health Care Prize 2015.
Achmea Program Quality of Care: the largest private initiative in the Netherlands to achieve continuous quality improvement. This five-year program aims to realize transparency and nationwide implementation of health outcome measures for 22 health conditions covering 40% of health care costs (from a meagre 6% transparency of costs at the start of the program).
Best Value in health care contracting: In the pilot Best Value in health care contracting, Achmea selected nine providers of breast cancer treatment and cataract surgery based on their performance metrics. Contrary to the regular way of contracting, it was up to the suppliers to define quality of care and to prove their outstanding performance.
Personalized breast cancer care with a focus on client: To provide state-of-the-art personalized breast cancer care with a focus on the client and to set an example for colleagues in the field.
Healthcare in Dialogue: By co-creating partnership and mutual trust between patients and professionals and strong commitment to the value based care agreed upon, treatment becomes more effective and more efficient.
Workload Intens-o-Meter: The ultimate goal of the workload Intens‐o-meter is to sustain the quality of health care (e.g. after cutbacks in staffing) by optimizing operational processes, improving efficiency and restoring staff morale.
ZORRO: Patient centered care with tailor made care is for today and the future. One size fits all and disease centered care is the past.
Towards value based healthcare procurement by using the CZ Value Framework: The CZ Value Framework facilitates Value-Based Health Care procurement by deriving procurement decisions directly from the goals of the patient. Healthcare providers who deliver more patient value than others are rewarded for this.
Dutch Melanoma Treatment Registry: The Dutch Melanoma Treatment Registry creates real value to melanoma patients by improving transparency and quality of care, and enhancing the efficient use of healthcare resources.
Hysterosalpingo-Foam Sonography (HyFoSy) a new technique of visualizing tubal patency: An easier, safer, less painful and cheaper way of tubal patency testing in case of female subfertility.
Redesign of care for older patients with hip fracture: We treat patients, not hips; a technical excellent hip replacement is valued by the level of autonomy that can be reached. Cooperation between orthopedic surgeon and doctor of geriatric medicine determines the necessary treatment (focus on hip fracture and/or frailty) to reach the best possible outcome of care (defined by level of autonomy).
Quality of care cycle for tonsillectomy in children: Prioritization of gaps in knowledge and uncertainties in clinical decision making by both patients and ENT-surgeons together, summarized in the Dutch ENT research agenda, will lead to research that is wanted and needed. Therefore, it will improve the value of delivered healthcare in the prioritized areas.
Early group education of CKD patients: Early group education of family of CKD patients leads to: understanding and bonding within the family, helps patients to inform their family about living kidney donation, Pre-emptive kidney transplantation is an option.
Well-being instrument for kidney patients: The welbevindenmeter can be a starting point for the treatment plan for (kidney)patients.
The Dutch Living Donor Kidney Exchange Program: The exchange of living kidney donors between transplant centers allows more kidney patients to receive a donor organ, with better results and improved quality of life.
Cost effective quality of care gain by reducation of surgery of patients with oesophageal cancer: The project presented here, driven by an unique public-private partnership, is a very innovative approach towards improving clinical care for patients with oesophageal cancer, avoiding unnecessary surgery, substantially improving quality of live for patients with oesophageal cancer and avoiding spillage of healthcare cost.
Appropriate diagnostic cardiac evaluation by patient participation for superior healthcare outcome: By using web based educational modules for appropriate echocardiography’s, including an explanatory and educational app for patients, as well as for cardiologists, this program focuses on the impact of education and shared decision making on superior, guideline based, diagnostic cardiac evaluation.
Continuous monitoring patients’ vital signs at the surgical ward using wearable’s: Wearable devices make continuous monitoring of vital signs possible at the general ward, which may result in reduced patients’ distress, early recognitions of clinical deterioration, a safer in- and out hospital care, reduced workload of medical personnel and lower costs.
A virtual asthma clinic for children: “De luchtbrug”: Wearable devices make continuous monitoring of vital signs possible at the general ward, which may result in reduced patients’ distress, early recognitions of clinical deterioration, a safer in- and out hospital care, reduced workload of medical personnel and lower costs.
ParkinsonNet: To improve the cost‐effectiveness and quality of care for complex chronic patients using a multifaceted approach.
Personalised treatment of morbid obesity: This ‘genetics first’ strategy will result in a decrease of costs related to the medical care for obesity patients.
Care for Outcome: Six non university teaching hospitals across the Netherlands, measure and report their outcomes together with complete transparency improve their care of patients with lung and prostate cancer in a unique partnership that covers 10% of the Dutch hospital care.
Outpatient THA program: Outpatient Rapid Recovery Total Hip Arthroplasty enables patients to go home on the day of their surgery in optimal medical condition.