OZOverbindzorg is an organization that purchases ICT and provides implementation power, independent of all organizations in a region. No interest in a professional but rather in the client. Ownership of collaborative ICT at one organization always stands in the way of collaboration!
With the OZOverbindzorg platform, clearer communication and closer cooperation between care providers is possible. Clients, including, for example, frail elderly and children with youth assistance, are becoming more central to their own care. Informal caregivers get a better overview of the care for their loved one. OZOverbindzorg enables care providers to improve the quality of their care and helps them to meet the care demand of the future. In addition, it reduces spending in multiple domains of care by a factor of 13 more than it costs to use.
Compared to other prosperous countries, a large proportion of the Dutch over 50 provides informal care. The decreasing number of professional care providers per elderly person is therefore not easy to absorb by having more people provide informal care. Supporting informal caregivers as well as the professionals offer a lot of potential.
The OZOverbindzorg platform offers primary and secondary care providers tools to work more efficiently. For example, fewer hours spent on telephone consultation and administration for general practitioners, home care and social workers, among others. In addition, people who work with OZOverbindzorg experience reduced work pressure and more job satisfaction.
In addition to working more efficiently, better communication mainly contributes to damping the demand for care. In this way, OZOverbindzorg helps to limit the growth of health care expenditure. This is the conclusion in all regions and care domains where OZOverbindzorg is active.
When OZOverbindzorg is implemented throughout the Netherlands, the costs will be approximately € 20 million per year. The gross savings potential is approximately € 270 million per year,
2014: OZOverbindzorg won the KNMP Healthcare Innovation Award: https://youtu.be/xpspL38pyKY
2018: Audience award Medical Entrepreneurship Live: https://youtu.be/co3Xr0oBB98
2019: OZOverbindzorg won the National Healthcare Innovation Prize. https://youtu.be/1WnOz2FGMhA