Hartwacht is a program created by an international collaboration involving Cardiologie Centra Nederland, few US companies, AliveCor, Apple partner Focuscura as vendors and Dutch insurance company Zilveren Kruis Achmea.
The aim of the program is achieving a healthier population, experiencing better quality of care and lower per capita costs.
Until now it is common practice patients at cardiovascular risk are visiting health care providers at office hours. They have to uneasily wait for this moment and it is not even sure if during this very moment symptoms are present and diagnosis could be made. The HartWacht offers the patient the opportunity for measuring their vital signals every moment of the day in order to detect signs of heart failure, hypertension and arrhythmia at once. They will get feedback immediately and this contributes to the empowerment of the patient. The program supports instant personalized fine tuning of treatment. And all this will contribute to improvement of quality of their life. Patients could share their results with any health care provider and results could be integrated in their electronic patients file. This will result in less visits to outpatient clinics, emergency departments and hospital admissions and therefore contributes to increase health outcome with less costs. No wonder how enthusiastic patients respond! But also the treating physicians are very satisfied: with less effort they will experience faster results of success of their therapy. Upscaling of the program is very easy at low costs. In the near future we plan to implement Hartwacht in South and Eastern Europe and Africa (Ghana).
The program gives the users the opportunity to share their experiences by in-app validated questionnaires in order to measure patient outcomes. Scientific research projects are ongoing to analyze the impact of the program on patient health outcomes and effects on health care resources. We expect to share these outcomes end at the of this year.