

FoodforCare is a leading food concept in Dutch healthcare developed by patients, Radboudumc and Maison van den Boer. It combines fresh, nutritious and personalised food options with inviting hospitality. FoodforCare offers patients the best possible food and beverages during the most care-dependent and vulnerable times in their lives: during a medical treatment and while recuperating at home. By offering fresh, nutritious and personalised food options – combined with inviting hospitality – FoodforCare aims to improve healthcare. The FoodforCare concept involves offering a selection of fresh dishes seven times a day with a choice out of three different dishes, resulting in more patients eating more, an improved sense of well-being among patients, drastic waste reduction and significant increases in satisfaction ratings. By registering each patient’s entire nutritional intake digitally, we gain knowledge that allows us to offer every individual a tailor-made diet. The concept is undergoing scientific testing conducted by the FoodforCare Foundation. FoodforCare can be provided as a cost-neutral, integral concept and has been launched as a home-delivery service..


Facts and Figures

  • Higher patient satisfaction in terms of food quality, increasing from 6.3 in 2015 to 8.6 in 2018. Hospitality satisfaction scored a 9.1 (see attached press release from Radboudumc)
  • The results published in Clinical Nutrition put the traditional three meals a day in the traditional meal service against the concept of FoodforCare’s six servings a day. 8% of the n=600 achieved their daily protein requirement, compared to 24% with FoodforCare. The overall increase in protein intake went from 59% to 79% of the daily protein requirement. A significant improvement.
  • Leads to more patients eating more; consumption averages 8.6 dishes per day
  • Range of food offerings consisting of 800 dishes, available to patients in any type of ward
  • Patients can choose instantly out of three different dishes.
  • Differentiated food options, tailored to 14 patient groups (nephrology, cardiology, intensive and medium care, geriatrics, oncology, paediatric and gastroenterology/liver patients
  • Percentage of diets decreased with 50%
  • Digital registration of intake results in personalised nutrition
  • Scientific research is currently being conducted by Radboudumc and the FoodforCare Foundation. Sustainable model in which AYAs/patients can reintegrate into the workforce at FoodforCare
  • Increase in employer satisfaction grade (from 6.3 in 2014 to 8.0 in 2018)
  • Significant waste reduction (from 40% in 2015 to 11% in 2018)