STZ and Erasmus MC auspices to the Value Based Healthcare Prize

STZ and Erasmus MC auspices to the VBHC Prize

We are truly honored and happy to welcome STZ (Stichting Topklinische Ziekenhuizen) and Erasmus Medical Center as auspices to the Value Based Healthcare Prize! The VBHC Prize is now under the auspices of the Value Based Healthcare Center Europe, STZ and Erasmus MC. With Harvard University Professor Michael Porter, Phd having endorsed the Prize as Honorary Chairman, over 63 pre-round applications and 30 complete applications, a dedicated Advisory Council composed of key healthcare players in the Dutch healthcare landscape, a jury of 7 internationally renowded academics and experts and with media exposure throughout the Netherlands, the first edition of the Value Based Healthcare Prize is promissing to be a success! Come and see it for yourself by joining the Value Based Healthcare Event on April 10; register here.

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