Chronic Care Australia
Exercise as medicine is the cheapest clinically proven medicine that over 50% of the population do not
take. While the 50% who do meet the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) guidelines for physical activity
could better protect themselves against chronic illness with the correct dose of exercise medicine to meet
their genetic and lifestyle induced mental and physical risk factors.
Chronic Care Australia (CCA) researched and recreated a clinically effective exercise medicine program
that speaks to the 50% of the population that do not move enough. CCA has completely re-imagined the
way in which primary healthcare delivers treatment for the 47% of Australians that have one or more
chronic conditions. Our initial research saw 200 participants achieve an adherence rate of 85.35%, with
60.36% electing to renew their 8/12-week exercise medicine (EM) programs. We have since welcomed
more than 600 patients into our community, expanding our services to the whole of Australia through our
Virtual Care Clinic.
CCA’s globally recognised Exercise Medicine (4-point medex) program was designed to develop an
efficacious treatment protocol that was simple, repeatable and delivered effective doses of exercise
medicine for individuals with one or more chronic mental or physical conditions. Our unique 4-point
medex intervention provides an efficacious, conservative, and patient-centred treatment approach to
community based mental and physical chronic disease management.
The success of winning the 2021 VBHC Primary Care Award for our 4-point medex program has allowed us
to pursue phase two (as per title initiative). CCA’s goal is to reimagine healthcare delivery. CCA believe
that we must DARE TO KNOW, DARE TO CARE and DARE TO CHANGE if we are to successfully reduce the
burden of chronic conditions in Australia and worldwide.
Our vision is to realise cost-effective and clinically proven opportunities for all individuals to access
treatment, management, and prevention services for their chronic conditions. Having face-to-face and
virtual clinics that deliver effective 4-point medex programs will help reduce hospital presentations and
reduce the enormous, unsustainable cost that chronic conditions have on our healthcare system. This will
require planned ongoing research and continued partnerships with like-minded companies and industry
We are working with like-minded medical professionals, within IPUs, and since winning the award, we
have secured a contract with a global pharmaceutical company to offer 4-point medex programs (via our
virtual clinic) as an auxiliary treatment to optimise patient outcomes and reduce pathology-specific
symptoms throughout the pharmaceutical treatment plan. Our first program commences in Feb 2022 for
50x individuals diagnosed with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.