Partnership Packages
There are ample possibilities for your company to contribute to this unique change in healthcare and to put doctors and patients at the center. If you are enthusiastic about the Value-Based Health Care Prize and its goal to connect all different kind of healthcare stakeholders, as well as its reward for projects that deliver superior Patient Value, please find below the partnership opportunities and contact In case you have another idea for promotion? Feel free to discuss that with us.
1. Award Partner
The crowning jewel of the partnerships is to become an award partner. The partner can put his name on one of the two Value-Based Health Care Prize’s. Please contact us for more details, registration and conditions.
2. Partner packages
Give your organization extra visibility at the Value-Based Health Care Prize and become a partner. Please contact us for more details, registration and conditions.
3. Other sponsor options
With the Value-Based Health Care Prize there is a special opportunity to become a part of Value-Based Health Care Europe and support its Chapters (research into disease areas) and Themes (research on Value-Based Health Care concepts). Because these topics each have specific characteristics prices will be in negotiation.
If you want to reach all delegates at the event, there is the opportunity to advertise in the event brochure. Several options and advertisement places are available. Please contact us at for more details, registration and conditions.