Attend the exclusive VBHC Prize Event 2020
The VBHC Prize 2020 has been transformed into an inspiring and interactive hybrid event! Attend the event virtually to witness the dynamic nominee pitches, panel discussions, and keynote speakers, live voting for the Community Award (will account for 50% of the final score), and of course the awarding of the VBHC Prize 2020, Community Award, and Excellence Awards!
Program (see below)
Find out more about our event speakers – click here
Please complete the form below to register for the exclusive VBHC Prize Event 2020.
Attend the event packages
- Attend the event + VBHC Center Europe Membership
- Attend the event + VBHC Certified Green Belt
Please visit the VBHC Center Europe Membership and VBHC Certified Green Belt websites to get more information and to purchase the packages.
The organization reserves the right to make a selection with a broad variety of all registrations. The VBHC Prize Event is not-for-profit and we seek to create a fair balance between stakeholders.
The fee to attend this online event is €72,50,- excl. VAT (BTW).