

Together for the best option

The impact of not becoming pregnant should not be underestimated. Your relationship, your future, your self-image, all gets pressured. Fortunately there are a lot of ways to help people with fertility problems. The option that is best for a certain person is very personal. A lot of different treatments have been researched very thoroughly. If the fertility test doesn’t show a clear cause, and your chance of spontaneous pregnancy in the following year is still good, it is proposed to wait (6 till 12 months). With these couples, a fertility treatment will not increase the chances of getting pregnant.

So how do you make the right choice in choosing a treatment based on the last medical insights? And how far do you want to go as a patient; certain interventions are quite radical. For a lot of people, direct medical intervention looks like the solution; however, waiting can sometimes be just as effective. How do you, as a specialist, explain this to people with a wish of having children, it will take time. Sometimes, intervention seems like the easy way. supports both the specialist as the patient in their own language. It gives the couple with a wish of having children, as well as the doctor, insight on the effectiveness and the impact of different treatment options. While doing this, not all the attention is put on the medical side, but by means of patient association Freya the personal side also gets a lot of attention. Finally, doctor and patient take a shared decision about the treatment, based upon scientific evidence and on what fits in the life of the patient. is part of a bigger study called ‘IMPROvEMENT’, which investigates the implementation of the guidelines. The idea of this is, that it benefits everyone. Pointless suffering and costs are prevented.