Professor Michael Porter
Prof. Porter is Bishop William Lawrence University Professor at Harvard University, based at the Harvard Business School. A University Professorship is the highest professional recognition that can be given to a Harvard faculty member. He is the fourth faculty member in Harvard Business School’s history to earn this distinction. Porter is an icon in Value Based Healthcare throughout the world. His insights on healthcare mark the beginning of an elementary different way on how to improve healthcare. Several principles such as the ‘Outcomes Hierarchy’ and the ‘Care Delivery Value Chain’ are among the powerful tools to improve healthcare over the full cycle of care. Click here for more information about Prof. Porter and his work.
The Value Based Healthcare Center Europe has build on Prof. Porter’s principles and made them applicable for implementation. By setting up the Value Based Healthcare Prize, the center seeks to further increase the attention and implementation of Porter’ s principles in the Netherlands. Prof. Porter has been honorary chairman for the 2014 edition of the Value Based Healdhcare Prize. Via his involvement, Porter’ s insights and perspectives will also be incorporated in the 2015 edtition.
Are you inspired by Porter’s ideas and would you like to know more? Visit one of his coming courses:
Creating Shared Value
This innovative new strategy program, developed and led by HBS faculty chair Michael E. Porter, along with Mark R. Kramer and Allen S. Grossman, brings together senior business leaders to examine strategies for addressing society’s challenges through profitable business models. Going beyond social responsibility, philanthropy, and sustainability, Shared Value represents a new way to achieve economic success.
10 – 12 December 2014 at Harvard Business School Website
Value Based Healthcare Delivery
There is growing recognition that true health care reform will require major strategic and organizational changes in the way health care is actually delivered, measured, and reimbursed. As described in the book Redefining Health Care, by Michael Porter and Elizabeth Teisberg, value for patients can be measured by the health outcomes achieved per dollar spent. Value-based health care delivery concepts start with providers but encompass new strategies for health plans, employers, and government. Professor Porter and the institute have developed a weeklong, intensive seminar focused on frameworks, application tools, and case studies highlighting real-life examples of organizations moving toward value-based care delivery models.This intensive seminar is for students and practicioners.
5 – 9 January 2014 at Harvard Business School Website